Starting a Divorce

How to get a cheap divorce in California without lawyer


There are four steps to obtaining a divorce in California. All of these you can conveniently handle through our program, The Complete Divorce.

Let’s get started in four Steps:

  1. File for divorce,
  2. Disclose your financials to your spouse,
  3. Settle your divorce issues – the division of property and debts, spousal support, and if you have children, child custody and child support; and
  4. Get a divorce judgment.
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Ca Divorce Process:

Let’s discuss how you start a legal divorce in California.

Step One: Starting your Divorce

You start your divorce by filing a petition in the family court in your county. I discuss the steps to completing these initial court papers in more detail in “Starting a Divorce,” in our video tutorials.

Ways To Terminate Your Marriage:

In your petition, you’ll select how you’ll terminate your marriage. In California, there are three ways:

annulment, dissolution of marriage, or legal separation.

  • Annulments are strictly reserved for marriages that fall under legally accepted reasons, such as incest, bigamy, or underage marriage. Religious reasons do not qualify.
  • A dissolution of marriage or as we know it, divorce, is the most common way. There are two legal grounds for divorce: irreconcilable differences and permanent legal incapacity to make decisions. Irreconcilable differences are the most common ground and probably apply to 99% of all cases.
  • The third way to end your marriage is a legal separation. Legal separation requires a court filing and has the same steps as a divorce. But unlike a divorce, you’ll still be married when you finish. You do not need to file for a legal separation before you file for a divorce and you are not considered legally separated if you live separately from your spouse. If you are filing for a legal separation, follow the same process as divorce.

Residency Requirement:

Except for legal separation, in order to file for divorce in California, at least one of you needs to be a resident of California for the last six months and in your county for the last three months. If you have children, your children must also have lived in California for the last six months for the court to have the authority to make child custody orders in your case.

Step Two: Exchanging Financials

The second step is to disclose all financial information to

your spouse. Part of that disclosure will be completing the Declaration of Disclosure and exchanging them with their spouse at the start of your case and then again at the end, unless and exception applies.

If you fail to complete these forms, you cannot finish your divorce and the court can penalize you for leaving something off your forms.

Step Three: Negotiate an Agreement

After you have completed at least your first set of disclosures, the third step is to resolve your divorce issues; division of assets and debts, child custody, and child and spousal support.

Your best option here is to negotiate an agreement with your spouse, instead of going to court. In our video tutorials, I go over each of these issues, assets and debts, child custody, child support, and spousal support, in detail.

Step Four: Final Agreement

Once you have successfully negotiated an agreement, you are ready to submit your agreement to the court to obtain a divorce judgment, the last step. If your spouse has refused to participate, instead of an agreement, you’ll submit a proposed order.

At this point, if you haven’t reached an agreement, you have the option to proceed to trial to resolve those issues. Based on the evidence you present, the judge will decide the unresolved issues and those decisions will become your divorce judgment.

I explain these differences and how to submit your agreement in our video tutorial, “Final Agreements

Work through these steps with your spouse and you’ll save time, money and avoid court. If your spouse isn’t involved, your spouse might doubt the agreement is in their interests, and at the end, your spouse won’t sign. If that happens, you might have to start over. You can also reach out to us at TheCompleteDivorce. Check out our packages that include time with our expert CA divorce mediators.

Now, it’s crucial that you watch these courses in order before you start. In each lesson, I go over each of these steps in detail, breaking down the law and how to complete these steps successfully. If you go out of turn, rush, or skip material, you risk missing out on information you need to finish correctly. Remember, these lessons contain more than enough information to complete your divorce.

But, it’s not legal advice. I also cannot go into every legal scenario or exception in these lessons. Some divorce situations are complicated. It could be the law as applied to your case or your specific situation. If you run into a complicated scenario or need help, reach out to us. The extra help will be well worth it.

Before you go, consider if we can help you. We have helped thousands of couples in California. Our guided DIY divorce is successful and cheap! Our services are all 5-star!

Starting a Divorce

Successful Strategies for Divorcing a Narcissist: 5 Winning Tips

Successful Strategies FOR Divorcing a Narcissist

Divorce is not an easy process, especially when divorcing a narcissist, so therefore when one or both parties involved display narcissistic tendencies, the process can become even more challenging. Working with a spouse who exhibits such behavior during divorce mediation requires careful navigation and strategic approaches. The unique dynamics of divorcing a narcissist call for specific strategies to help you navigate this difficult situation.

Understanding Narcissism: 

Narcissism is a personality trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy toward others. When divorcing a narcissistic spouse, it is important to recognize their manipulative tactics, emotional manipulation, and self-centered behaviors that can impact the mediation process.

Choosing the Right Mediator and Relying on Professional Counsel: 

Working with a mediator who is experienced in dealing with high-conflict personalities, such as narcissists, is essential. Look for a mediator who understands the different dynamics involved and can maintain control of the sessions, ensuring a fair and balanced process. Their expertise in managing power imbalances and facilitating communication can be invaluable. To counteract the narcissist’s attempts to manipulate the negotiation process, rely on objective criteria and seek advice from professionals. Consult with a family law attorney who understands narcissistic behavior and can help you evaluate options and make informed decisions based on legal guidelines rather than emotional manipulation.

5 winning Strategies for Divorcing a Narcissist

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1-Prepare Thoroughly: 

Before entering mediation, gather as much documentation and evidence as possible to support your case. Narcissists often distort facts and manipulate situations, so having solid evidence can help counter any false narratives. Document instances of abuse, financial impropriety, or any other relevant information that may affect the divorce settlement

2-Set Clear Boundaries:

Narcissists thrive on power and control, hence, it is crucial to establish firm boundaries and ensure they are kept during mediation. Articulate your expectations for respectful behavior and firmly assert your rights. Stay focused on the issues at hand and avoid getting drawn into their attempts to divert attention or provoke emotional reactions.

3-Stay Calm and Emotionally Detached: 

Narcissists excel at pushing buttons and provoking emotional reactions. During mediation, maintain emotional composure and detach yourself from their attempts to engage you in their drama. Focus on the facts, stay objective, and rely on your legal counsel and mediator for guidance.

4-Consider Parallel Parenting:

If you have children with a narcissistic spouse, it may be necessary to explore the concept of parallel parenting. Parallel parenting involves disengaging from direct communication with the narcissistic parent and creating a clear and structured parenting plan. This approach helps minimize conflict and provides a stable environment for your children.

5-Self-Care and Support:

Dealing with a narcissistic spouse can be emotionally draining. It’s crucial to prioritize self-care and seek support during the divorce process. Lean on trusted friends, family, or support groups who can offer a listening ear, practical advice, and emotional encouragement. Therapy can also provide valuable tools for coping with the challenges of divorcing a narcissist.

Remember, while divorce mediation with a narcissistic spouse presents unique challenges, it is possible to navigate the process successfully. Prioritize your well-being, seek support, and rely on experienced professionals to help you protect your rights and reach a fair settlement. By staying focused, setting boundaries, and maintaining emotional detachment, you can empower yourself to move forward with confidence and create a better future post-divorce.

At The Complete Divorce, we provide you with what you need to successfully do your California divorce on your own. We provide all the required family law court forms in our automated forms program, all the video tutorials, and an automated customizable Marital Settlement Agreement (Divorce Agreement). If you need more help, you can get our package which includes time with a divorce mediator. 

Before you go, consider if we can help you. We have helped thousands of couples in California. Our guided DIY divorce is successful and cheap! Our services are all 5-star!

Starting a Divorce

Is Divorce Mediation Legally Binding? 4 benefits of Divorce Mediation Agreements

Is divorce mediation legally binding?

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Divorce is challenging. It’s a very personal and private matter thrown into a very legal process. To stay in control of your divorce, divorce mediation is a terrific option compared to traditional litigation. Divorce mediation offers a collaborative approach that allows couples to work together with a neutral third party to reach agreements on various aspects of their divorce. Divorce mediation agreements are legally binding and often far better than any agreement you could get in court. They are more detailed and the couple was in control of the agreements, not a judge or lawyer.

The most important part of your divorce is to stay in control of your process. Mediation allows you to do this. First, divorce mediation is voluntary. You and your spouse participate because you both are interested in reaching an agreement. You might not agree yet on those agreements, but you share the goal to not litigate and work it out. 

In California, you can work with a divorce attorney as a mediator or a non-attorney mediator. When you work with a divorce attorney-mediator, your mediator can also file the documents for you, prepare the filings, and help you with support calculations. An either trained mediator will also help you negotiate and resolve issues related to your divorce. The mediator acts as a facilitator, helping you and your spouse communicate effectively, explore options, and reach mutually acceptable agreements. Unlike litigation, where a judge makes the decisions, divorce mediation allows the couple to make their own decisions. 

Legal Nature of Divorce Mediation: 

The agreements reached in mediation are legally binding when filed with the court to become a court order. At Families First Mediation, we prepare a Marital Settlement Agreement, which contains your agreements on all the divorce topics, including asset division, child custody, child support and spousal support. We then file this with the court on your behalf, and it becomes your Divorce Judgment, a legally binding court order.

Court Approval and Enforceability: 

The court reviews the Marital Settlement Agreement and the Divorce Judgment package to make sure it complies with legal rules and procedures. The court does not assess or weigh your agreements. In other words, the court doesn’t decide if your agreements are good or bad. You have the right to reach agreements you believe are correct for you and your family. However, that means you need to be responsible in your negotiations. You want to fully participate in the mediation and make sure you understand the benefits and potential problems of the agreements you make with your spouse. The mediator should work with you on these points. 

4 Benefits of Legally Binding Divorce Mediation Agreements:

  1. Flexibility and Customization: Mediation allows couples to tailor their agreements to their unique circumstances, giving them more flexibility compared to court-imposed decisions.
  2. Cost and Time Savings: Mediation is often more cost-effective and faster than litigation, as it avoids lengthy court processes.
  3. Reduced Conflict: Mediation promotes open communication and collaboration, potentially reducing the acrimony and hostility that can arise from adversarial litigation.
  4. Better Co-Parenting Relationships: By working together during mediation, couples can establish a cooperative foundation for future co-parenting, prioritizing the best interests of their children.

At Families First Mediation:

At ffmediation, we work with you to weigh the benefits of the agreements both in short-term and long-term views. This is very important given the court will approve your agreements. Then, if there is a conflict in the future, the court will enforce your agreement. This means that failure to comply with the terms outlined in the agreement can lead to legal consequences. Mediation gives you that flexibility and power, but again, it means you need to be responsible and an active participant in your mediation. That kind of control and power of your personal life is huge compared to a very impersonal and complicated legal process.

California protects parties when it comes to mediation. Your mediation is confidential and the mediator has immunity. This is great for you when it comes to exploring various options prior to reaching an agreement. This also means whatever happens in the mediation will stay in the mediation, except for your final agreement, in our case, the Marital Settlement Agreement, once it is filed with the court. 

At Families First Mediation, we strive to create quality long-lasting agreements that are fully enforceable, legally binding, and ones that our parties understand. If you are looking for divorce mediation, set up your free consultation with our office today. We would love to see how we can help you.

Starting a Divorce

Choosing the Right Divorce Process in California (2024)

Choosing the Right California Divorce Process

You’ll want to choose the process that gives you the greatest chance of success. A successful process takes the least amount of time, keeps your costs down, resolves disputes, and isn’t difficult.

You have four options.

  1. CA Divorce Litigation;
  2. CA Divorce collaborative law;
  3. CA Divorce mediation, and
  4. DIY divorce, doing it on your own.
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Each process has different strengths and weaknesses; we can evaluate these pros and cons using four factors: time, cost, control, and difficulty level. But whatever process you choose, your success depends not only on the process but your commitment to the resolution.

Keep in mind, that doing your divorce on your own is the cheapest and most cost-effective CA divorce process. If you and your spouse agree and don’t have much, this makes a DIY divorce even better. Check out our program, The Complete Divorce, to get started and be done quickly. It works out to be the fastest way to get a California divorce. And, if you need help, you can work with one of our divorce mediators and save money on your divorce. If you have more complicated assets, check out our full-service divorce mediation at Families First Mediation

If you are trying to determine what process to use to divorce, here is what you need to consider:


Time is money. You want a process that gives you enough time to make the right decisions, but isn’t so long that it costs more than it’s worth. A long divorce is very expensive, can take a huge toll on you and your family, and can negatively impact your job. But you don’t want to rush through a divorce either; otherwise, you’re likely to make mistakes.


You want to achieve the best results for the best price. This isn’t the cheapest option but the best price for your case. Litigation with attorneys is expensive and if your case is not complicated, you are spending money that can be best spent elsewhere. Working with your spouse is the least expensive but if your case is complicated, you’ll need a divorce professional or risk not finishing or making costly mistakes.


The people with control over your case make the decisions. The best process gives you and your spouse the ability to make most or all decisions and limits the influence of other professionals, like a judge.

Difficulty level:

Every process has a different procedure; some are more difficult than others. Litigation tends to be the most difficult because of the complicated legal procedures and, I believe, mediation is the easiest because you have the assistance of a divorce professional and don’t have to use the court process.

Ideally, you want the process that gives you the best results for the least amount of time and cost….In reality, your choice is limited by what your spouse is willing to do and how much money you are willing to spend. Understanding your options is important so that you pick the right process for you.

At TheCompleteDivorce, our experienced divorce attorneys can provide you with an effective and easy way to divorce in California without draining your wallet. Before you go, consider if we can help you. We have helped thousands of couples in California. Our guided DIY divorce is successful and cheap! Our services are all 5-star!

Starting a Divorce

What is Divorce Mediation in a California?

What is Divorce Mediation in California?

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In mediation, you and your spouse work with a mediator to complete your divorce. The divorce mediation lawyer (mediator) is a neutral party who does not represent you or give you advice but acts as a guide. Each mediator has their own style, providing a different degree of guidance and structure. A mediator may be a divorce attorney, referred to as an attorney-mediator; but, it’s not required. Non-attorney mediators are more limited in what they can do for you but cost less. Attorney-mediators can do more. They explain the impact the law may have in your case, suggest options, run support calculations, and prepare and file your final agreement with the court.


Our first factor time. Mediation typically takes 3-6 months to reach a final agreement. On average, you meet with your mediator for 3-5 sessions, with each session lasting two to three hours. You can manage your time by going to sessions prepared and ready to make an agreement. Mediation is very efficient because you are only working with one professional, and only need to schedule time between you, your spouse and the mediator.


Second, cost. Mediators either charge per hour or offer flat fee services. The costs are directly related to the services you receive. If you are charged for costs outside of the session, you’ll see the work the mediator did for your case, like a summary letter, prepared agreement, or completed court forms. The more complicated a case, the more it will cost because the mediator needs to spend more time with you to reach an agreement


Third, control. In mediation, you and your spouse are in control, not the judge, lawyer, or even the mediator. You want to find a mediator that empowers you to make educated and informed decisions on how to resolve your case. Since you are in control, you also have the flexibility to try different options. For example, you can start with a custody timeshare for a few months. If it doesn’t work, you simply go back to mediation to try another timeshare. If you and your spouse cannot agree, you can bring in other professionals like attorneys, a financial expert or therapist, to help you resolve the impasse.

Difficulty level:

Compared to all the other processes, mediation is the easiest. It is about you and your spouse, not court deadlines, procedures, long waits and discovery. You also get professional help. The mediator guides you from start to finish. Instead of being in an uninviting and stressful courtroom, you’ll be in the mediator’s office. Scheduling should be easy; no limited court times or large teams to schedule. But mediation also has its difficulties. It requires both you and your spouse to commit to the process, be reasonable, and cooperate with one another. If you do not, mediation will not work. If it fails, then you have to leave mediation and use another process, most likely litigation.

If you remain reasonable and committed to the mediation process, you can arrive at a negotiated agreement that is fine-tuned for your case. It can even work if you have a complicated case or complicated relationship with your spouse by including protections, like consulting attorneys and therapists. Check out Families First Mediation,, for more information, on our sister program.

At TheCompleteDivorce:

At The Complete Divorce, we provide you with what you need to successfully do your California divorce on your own. We provide all the required family law court forms in our automated forms program, all the video tutorials, and an automated customizable Marital Settlement Agreement (Divorce Agreement). If you need more help, you can get our package which includes time with a divorce mediator.

Before you go, consider if we can help you. We have helped thousands of couples in California. Our guided DIY divorce is successful and cheap! Our services are all 5-star!

Starting a Divorce

2024 What is Divorce Litigation in California?

What is Divorce Litigation in California?

In litigation, a judge will decide your case based on the law. When you go before a judge, you must follow the court’s rules and procedures. You can actually represent yourself or have an attorney represent you. The court process is public. Documents you file in court are public records and the court hearings are open to the public.

Litigation is useful for complicated cases, uncooperative spouses, or when there is domestic violence or abuse; whether emotional, financial or physical. Outside of that, litigation isn’t as successful as the other processes.

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Litigation typically takes years. The court system is flooded with divorce cases and the public funds are not there to meet the demand. The legal procedure requires you to jump through a ton of hoops. Instead of focusing on the final agreement, which should be your goal, you often start with temporary orders, like who will use or pay for the house during the divorce, sidetracking your case. Since you don’t know the law, you might even go back and forth to court not knowing what is expected of you, resulting in your case being continued another month or two, with you still not knowing what to do for the next hearing. When you do get a hearing, you don’t get much time. Usually, less than 20 minutes with the judge. If you need more, you have to wait for an available court date. That can take a month or more!

If you use attorneys, it can be just as slow if not slower. Attorneys can only speak with each other, and then pass that information back to you and your spouse. If your spouse does not provide you or your attorney information voluntarily, like bank statements, then your attorney must conduct formal discovery. Formal discovery is the production of evidence through legal methods like subpoenas, interrogatories, and depositions to get information. This takes a significant amount of time and is expensive. That brings us to the second point, cost.


Litigation is expensive. If you are unrepresented, you pay with your time. You have to learn the litigation process, show up to court hearings, and manage the toll it takes on other areas of your life; health, work, and relationships.

If you are represented, prepare to pay upwards of $30,000 for each attorney. And high-asset cases, don’t be surprised if your attorney’s fees exceed six figures. Attorneys charge at an hourly rate, including charges for telephone calls, voicemails, conversations to the opposing counsel, preparing letters, travel time to and from court, and any formal discovery. Your attorney has the right to ask you to put a lien on your home to pay their fees. Even if your spouse will pay some of your fees because he earns more or has more assets than you, you’ll still be responsible for covering the portion of your fees your spouse doesn’t pay.


In divorce litigation, the judge has the control, not you or your attorneys. Even though the judge gets to make the decisions, judges would rather you decide for yourselves. You’ll often see judge encouraging and even requiring couples to settle their differences outside of the courtroom with their attorneys before hearing the dispute that day.

Considering Right Divorce?

We can help you save thousands by completing your documents online.

Difficulty Level:

Divorce litigation is the most difficult, full of contingencies and unknowns. The way the judge will rule. What the mental health professional’s report will say about your parenting ability. And whether the judge will understand that you truly are struggling with your health or job.

There are also strict rules you must follow. You must prepare your court documents correctly, submit them to the court on time, and get your evidence to the judge and your spouse in a legally acceptable way. These require time and money and it doesn’t mean you’ll get a good result.

Although litigation is the most difficult and least successful, sometimes couples choose to litigate because it’s the only real option for them. Their spouse may be unwilling to choose another process, there’s too much conflict between them, or they have a complicated issue, with two very different set of facts or unclear law. Litigation can also be appropriate when there is domestic violence or financial abuse. An abused spouse is more likely to have difficulty negotiating without help. An attorney can help protect that spouse’s interests in court. But it’s important for anyone in an abusive situation to be careful. The litigation process can cause additional stress and harm because it is confrontational in nature.

More often, a spouse uses litigation improperly. A spouse threatens to go to court if the other person won’t do it his or her way. These kinds of threats make a bad situation worse and really hurts both people, fueling a bitter divorce battle.

At the outset, it is always better to commit to the negotiation process without threats to go to court. And if negotiations fails and you did your best, then consider litigation.

If you find yourself litigating, keep in mind the difficulties so you can avoid them as best you can. Even if you are litigating, you can still avoid court by negotiating a settlement, just like the judge could advise on the day of your hearing. But don’t wait. You can be a powerful tool to reaching a negotiated settlement, and that will save you time, money, and give you some control back.

At TheCompleteDivorce:

At TheCompleteDivorce, we provide you with what you need to successfully do your California divorce on your own. We provide all the required family law court forms in our automated forms program, all the video tutorials, and an automated customizable Marital Settlement Agreement (Divorce Agreement). If you need more help, you can get our package which includes time with a divorce mediator.

Before you go, consider if we can help you. We have helped thousands of couples in California. Our guided DIY divorce is successful and cheap! Our services are all 5-star!

Starting a Divorce

2024 Collaborative Law in California divorce

Collaborative Law

Our next process is collaborative law or collaborative practice. You and your spouse, a mental health professional, a financial expert, and two attorneys, one for each of you, work together to reach an agreement using a “team approach”. The spouses and attorneys agree not to use any formal court procedures, like a judge, hearings, trials, or formal discovery. Communication between the couple and attorneys is more open. Your attorney can speak directly to your spouse, instead of just your attorney. And, unlike the public court process, collaborative is confidential. Collaborative law is used when couples mostly get along but would like the help of additional professionals to reach an agreement. Successful collaborative typically costs less and can be faster than litigation.

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 First, time. The amount of time to reach a final agreement depends on your team’s efficiency. Unlike litigation, you’re not bound by court deadlines or procedures. You have the freedom to exchange information, schedule meetings with the team, and move toward agreements on your time table. The important part is to have a team that works well together so they can help you resolve conflict.


Second, cost. Collaborative law tends to be less expensive than litigation but more costly than mediation. You save money because you’re not using the complicated litigation process, but the cost of two lawyers, a mental health professional and a financial expert adds up. There’s also a huge risk in collaborative law. If unsuccessful, your attorney cannot represent you in court and must withdraw by law because of the confidentiality of the collaborative meetings. You’ll have to hire a new attorney to litigate. This will cost you more time and money.


Third factor, control. In collaborative, the team has the control. They work together to help you and your spouse reach an agreement. However, the control can easily be lost if the team doesn’t work well together. If one attorney has more say than another team member, that attorney’s influence on decisions could be greater than the team’s. If that’s not your attorney, you can be at risk.

Considering Right Divorce?

We can help you save thousands by completing your documents online.

Difficulty Level:

Fortunately, many collaborative law attorneys have close working relationships with each other, working well together. This makes it easier for you because the team is unified and interested in your success. Collaborative is also more informal. You don’t have to follow court rules and procedures. However, collaborative becomes difficult when there is a disagreement. Since you cannot use the judge to resolve disputes, if the professionals on your team can’t agree, you could get stuck.

At TheCompleteDivorce:

At The Complete Divorce, we provide you with what you need to successfully do your California divorce on your own. We provide all the required family law court forms in our automated forms program, all the video tutorials, and an automated customizable Marital Settlement Agreement (Divorce Agreement). If you need more help, you can get our package that includes time with a divorce mediator.

Before you go, consider if we can help you. We have helped thousands of couples in California. Our guided DIY divorce is successful and cheap! Our services are all 5-star!

Need more? Check out our full-service divorce mediation services, Families First Mediation,

Starting a Divorce


Top 4 major things for a Do-It-Yourself Divorce

Many couples can finish their CA divorce without any professional attorney’s help, even the help of a mediator. In that case, the last process, “Do-It-Yourself Divorce California”, where spouses work directly with each other works well.

When you work directly with your spouse, you do not need to go to court hearings or before a judge. You can be very successful as long as you have the right resources to work through the divorce steps and resolve difficult disputes.

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The amount of time it takes depends on how much time you dedicate to finishing your divorce. You’ll need some time to learn about the divorce process and your legal rights, plus the time to reach an agreement and file the right paperwork. You save a lot of time because you can focus on the actual issues needed to finish your divorce; instead of lengthy hearings for temporary issues. But the key with this approach is discipline, so you finish in a short few months. If you are not, it can take years to finish.


Working directly with your spouse is the most affordable of all the processes, especially when it is compared to hiring attorneys or a collaborative team. Your costs will be for the instructional materials, court fees, any document preparation services you use, and duplicate copies. You might also pay a legal professional, like a lawyer or mediator, to review your agreement. This might cost several hundred to a few thousand dollars.


In this process, control is determined by your relationship with your spouse. If you and your spouse are both able to value each other’s opinions and beliefs, both of you’ll be in control. Sharing control is the only way to achieve a successful result. If one is overbearing and intimidating, that spouse will have all the control, and make self-serving decisions. The other risks losing many legal rights, and might be pushed to use another process, like litigation. This uncertainty makes this process risky. You could end up without a final agreement, further complicate your relationship with your spouse, and ultimately have to restart your divorce.

Difficulty Level:

The difficulty depends on your ability to learn the divorce process and communicate with your spouse. With the right divorce resources, it’s very possible. You’ll learn which forms to file, where to file them, and how to prepare a final agreement. You can file online divorce without lawyer in California. You might ask a legal professional to review your completed forms and agreements to make sure you have done them correctly. You’ll also need to learn the laws that apply to your case. The more complicated your case, the more you’ll need to know. You’ll then need to successfully communicate what you learned to your spouse to reach an agreement. This can be difficult for couples that do not trust each other.

Working with your spouse can be very successful. It is cost-effective and keeps you in control. If you have an uncomplicated case and a good working relationship with your spouse, working directly with your spouse may be an easy choice.

Considering Divorce Without Mediator?

We can help you save thousands by completing your documents online.

At TheCompleteDivorce:

At TheCompleteDivorce, we provide you with what you need to successfully do your California divorce on your own. We provide all the required family law court forms in our automated forms program, all the video tutorials, and an automated customizable Marital Settlement Agreement (Divorce Agreement). If you need more help, you can get our package which includes time with a divorce mediator.

Before you go, could you please consider if we can help you? We have helped thousands of couples in California. Our guided DIY divorce is successful and cheap! Our services are all 5-star! Visit for our cheap online divorce packages.

Starting a Divorce



Divorce is unchartered territory. It’s a complicated and unfamiliar legal process that deals with very personal issues. You want to get it right, but if you don’t know what you are doing, it’ll take you longer, cost you more, and you can’t guarantee you’ll get a good result.

Don’t get stuck in your California divorce. We offer the best DIY guided California divorce in California with our top divorce mediators

Our goal is for you to get a Divorce Decree, known as a Dissolution of Judgment from the court, The divorce judgment has two purposes:

  1. First, it’s your official divorce papers stating that you are divorced. 
  2. Second, it has your final divorce orders. Typically, these are the agreements you made with your spouse and are legally enforceable
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You can get your divorce judgment by:

  1. reaching an agreement with your spouse, or 
  2. having a trial. Your best option is to reach an agreement. When you do, you and your spouse are more likely to follow it because you created the orders. Negotiated agreements also take the least amount of time and money.

Although reaching an agreement is ideal, sometimes it’s not possible. In that case, you’ll need a trial on any areas you disagree with your spouse. Trials are complicated, time consuming, expensive and unpredictable, so you want to do your best to avoid it. The judge can rule your way, but can also choose to do something other than what either you or your spouse wanted. And the judge’s rulings become your divorce judgment and orders you must follow.

If your spouse is refusing to participate at all, you can still get a divorce. Instead of submitting a divorce agreement to the court, you submit a divorce proposal to the judge (default divorce). Your proposal must follow the law. If approved, it will become your divorce judgment.

Whether by agreement, trial or proposal, getting your divorce judgment is the ultimate goal, but the last step.

At TheCompleteDivorce:

We provide you what you need to successfully do your California divorce on your own. We provide all the required family law court forms in our automated forms program, all the video tutorials, and an automated customizable Marital Settlement Agreement (Divorce Agreement). If you need more help, you can get our package that includes time with a divorce mediator.

Before you go, consider if we can help you. We have helped thousands of couples in California. Our guided DIY divorce is successful and cheap! Our services are all 5-star!

Need more? Check out our full-service divorce mediation services, Families First Mediation,

Spousal Support

Calculating Temporary Spousal Support in California (2024)

Temporary Spousal Support in California

If you are entitled to Spousal Support in California Divorce, you can receive temporary spousal support once you file for divorce. Temporary support is meant to help the lower earner temporarily pay expenses while divorcing.

Calculating Temporary Spousal Support: Factors, Tools, and Guidance:

The temporary spousal support amount is based on the lower earner’s need and the higher earner’s ability to pay. Most judges use support calculators to figure out the amount, such as their county’s approved computer software programs like DissoMaster. You can also use the free support calculator at the Department of Child Support Services website.

At the bottom of the input screen of the free calculator, there’s a very small box to check for temporary spousal support. The explanation of how to complete the calculator is in our course “Support Calculator”.

Division of Temporary Spousal Support: Exploring Allocations and Options:

After temporary spousal support is paid, it usually results in the higher earner receiving about 60% of the net family income and the lower earner receiving 40%. The net family income is both spouses’ combined income after taxes and adjustments. This does not include child support. If you need temporary spousal support while divorcing, you can get it by reaching an agreement with your spouse or by going to court.

By agreement, use one of the approved calculators or negotiate another amount that you believe is fair. The 60/40 split is more complicated than using your take-home pay. So if you trying to figure it out without a calculator, you can use the budget you put together on page 3 of your Income and Expense Declaration, FL-150, to show your needs. You can also watch our Support Calculator video for guidance.

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Empowering Your California Divorce Journey with The Complete Divorce:

At TheCompleteDivorce, we provide you with everything you require to navigate your California divorce independently and efficiently, all online. Our comprehensive services encompass all the necessary family law court forms available through our automated forms program, complemented by instructive video tutorials. Additionally, we offer an automated customizable Marital Settlement Agreement (Divorce Agreement) to simplify the process.

If you find yourself in need of more extensive assistance, our package also includes dedicated time with an online spousal support attorney and a divorce mediator.

Before making your decision, take a moment to explore the possibility of our support. Thousands of couples in California have benefited from our services. Our guided DIY divorce approach is both effective and budget-friendly. Our exceptional services consistently receive 5-star ratings, reflecting the satisfaction of our clients.