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Temporary Spousal Support in California

Online Divorce Legal Law Experts in California

Dina Haddad

Founder & Attorney Mediator

I’m Dina Haddad, a family law attorney-mediator in California. I’m so tired of couples not having a process that’s easy to complete their divorce. They are getting lost, wasting time and money, and beyond frustrated with their results.That’s why I created TheCompleteDivorce. I took my successful mediation practice and condensed it into an affordable and winning program.



If you are entitled to Spousal Support in California Divorce, you can receive temporary spousal support once you file for divorce. Temporary support is meant to help the lower earner temporarily pay expenses while divorcing.

Calculating Temporary Spousal Support: Factors, Tools, and Guidance

The temporary spousal support amount is based on the lower earner’s need and the higher earner’s ability to pay. Most judges use support calculators to figure out the amount, such as their county’s approved computer software programs like DissoMaster. You can also use the free support calculator at the Department of Child Support Services website.

At the bottom of the input screen of the free calculator, there’s a very small box to check for temporary spousal support. The explanation of how to complete the calculator is in our course “Support Calculator”.

Division of Temporary Spousal Support: Exploring Allocations and Options

After temporary spousal support is paid, it usually results in the higher earner receiving about 60% of the net family income and the lower earner receiving 40%. The net family income is both spouses’ combined income after taxes and adjustments. This does not include child support. If you need temporary spousal support while divorcing, you can get it by reaching an agreement with your spouse or by going to court.

By agreement, use one of the approved calculators or negotiate another amount that you believe is fair. The 60/40 split is more complicated than using your take-home pay. So if you trying to figure it out without a calculator, you can use the budget you put together on page 3 of your Income and Expense Declaration, FL-150, to show your needs. You can also watch our Support Calculator video for guidance.

California Alimony laws 2023 - Temporary Spousal support California

Empowering Your California Divorce Journey with The Complete Divorce

At TheCompleteDivorce, we provide you with everything you require to navigate your California divorce independently and efficiently, all online. Our comprehensive services encompass all the necessary family law court forms available through our automated forms program, complemented by instructive video tutorials. Additionally, we offer an automated customizable Marital Settlement Agreement (Divorce Agreement) to simplify the process.

If you find yourself in need of more extensive assistance, our package also includes dedicated time with an online spousal support attorney and a divorce mediator.

Before making your decision, take a moment to explore the possibility of our support. Thousands of couples in California have benefited from our services. Our guided DIY divorce approach is both effective and budget-friendly. Our exceptional services consistently receive 5-star ratings, reflecting the satisfaction of our clients.

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